Nub Cameroon Cigar Review

I’ve been reading about these stout bundles of joy for a while, and I finally got my paws on one this past weekend. There’s a lot to say about these dwarf-like cigars, and I’m not even sure where to begin.


At 4 by 60, these stogies are small and huge at the same time. The wrapper is a beautiful chocolate brown, with no imperfections at all. It’s said these things are engineered for success, and already I’m a believer. The Cameroon wrapper is notoriously difficult to get right, and these guys nailed it.


What a chimney! This thing drew like a dream, and the smoke billowed in unbelievable waves. Excellent construction with such a large gauge meant ample smoke throughout the entire smoke. Aroma was very flavorful, with a certain sweetness that was hard to place. Cedar would be my guess.


As I mentioned earlier, the Nub series are engineered for perfection. Most cigars require a first third to be smoked before the full flavors come through. Not so with Nubs, these bad boys pack a punch right out of the gate. The very first puff brings sweet cedar and and toastiness on the palate, very enjoyable. A little bit of leather hits the palette about halfway through, with notes of pepper. I’m not usually a humongous fan of pepperiness in cigars, but this is just something else. I can’t wait to get my hands on some more of these, and to try others in the series. That’s really the highest honor I can think to bestow on a stogie.

Smoking Time:

Total smoking time was 37 minutes. We were advised closer to an hour, but I just don’t see that happening. Perhaps the oily maduro wrapper Nub could approach an hour. This was a perfect 37 minutes, and I’d gladly smoke another Nub.